Canadian Fire Fighter Museum Virtual 5K
Unable to make it to beautiful Cobourg for the big event?
No problem.
Register for the Virtual Run.
Support the Canadian Fire Fighters Museum wherever you are by running a virtual version of our 5K event.
You choose the day.
You choose the route.
Email us you results before June 24th if you wish to have them listed.
What do I get if I sign up for the Virtual Run?
First, you get that great feeling of supporting a great cause.
Second, we will ship you out a full colour bib, medal*, And t-shirt*.
You can arrange to pick-up your kit after the event in Cobourg or pay the shipping charges to have it mailed to you.
*medals for the first 300 registered and t-shirts for the first 300 registered. T-shirt sizing not guaranteed, but we will try our best.